Shopping Mall & Mega Store

Shopping is the most popular entertainment activity people love to do and malls and stores are its undisputable temples. Not only consumers crowd them in for shopping purposes but to meet people, take a look around and let others looked at them.    

For such kinds of environments involving big spaces, AromaDesign offers a complete range of diffusion devices allowing you to get the right and desired environment

Our ScentWave allows us to achieve a theme path among the shelves of the Mega Store and the SuperMarket, whereas ScentDirect creates specific aroma isles in entrances and meeting areas of the structure. Our systems may spread their fragrances in the whole area by creating some perfect atmospheres addressed to cuddle the visitors as well as stimulate them along the paths and when in front of the sales points. The biggest Shopping malls of the whole world make use of our solutions with successful results.


Our Solutions

Advised Fragrances:

Seashore / Pink grapefruit / Vanilla Bourbon / Green fig / Green Clover & Aloe / Flower shoppe / Cornucopia / Noel / White Tea & Fig / Birthday Cake / Gingerbread Man / Fresh Cut Grass